Early Saturday evening, waiting for takeout.
Downtown San Francisco, rainy President's Day.
red coat, flight path
Delays, departures.
airing of grievances
Around the corner, down the block. Very occasionally the door behind the gate is open, and you can peer down the long hall for a glimpse of fluorescent-lit kitchen.
hold tight
8pm, a lucky photo taken over my shoulder, because I didn’t want to be too obvious.
Winter in San Francisco.
new year's day
I love the clean-slate-ness of New Years. We're rolling into 2017 with optimism and energy, intent on channeling it towards the year's many looming challenges.
shoulder season
Coffee and cold hands pair with holdout sandals.
Sprinkles in the fog, end of summer.
meat guys
With apologies to vegetarian and vegan friends.
hi-fashion in action
Photoshoot downtown on a summer weekend.
the soap stop
Free wifi from the gods...
mona lisa friday night
local: stripes
Summer geometry, San Francisco edition.
x marks the spot
Walking in the shadow of the Transamerica Pyramid.
crow's nest
After hours, part 2
Up past my bedtime. Watching old Radiohead videos, feeling melancholy and a little out of breath from the events of the week.
industrial light and magic
Friday evening water pipe repair.