a grand tour in summer
Stepping outside of the city is always good for a little perspective, and, in this case, a little sun and hot weather. On this trip we made our way to southern California for a wedding and to visit old friends. Along the way there were multiple tacos, two art museum visits, several coffee shops, a couple of great Airbnb experiences, a viewing of both The Fifth Element (thumbs down) and Dirty Harry (thumbs up), one transcendent horchata latte, some quality time with Google Maps and much time spent scanning the rental car's satellite-radio offerings. We returned home to find the fog had actually lifted a bit and we could wear our shorts and sandals a couple of days longer.
waiting in vain
...for the bus that never arrives.
summer fling
Nothing worse than a blog neglected. It's not you... you've been great. In fact, I was kind of hoping we could pick up where we'd left off. What do you think? You and me, rolling around the city with sweaters buttoned up over our summer outfits. Counting down our first-Thursday evenings one dixie-cup of wine at a time. No commitment, just hanging out. Think it over. Could be fun.
Hang Art Gallery, first Thursday opening.