This afternoon President Obama's motorcade disrupted my day for a good hour or so. He and his entourage come to the city a couple of times a year, snarling traffic, inspiring protests and hundreds of exchanges in the comments section of the SF Chronicle. In spite of whatever is happening in the news at the time, and though you never see more than a parade of Suburbans and motorcycles zooming by, I still find this pretty exciting.
waiting in vain
...for the bus that never arrives.
man on the street
A tall man in a beautifully tailored suit and an un-ironic hat breezed past me on the sidewalk earlier this week. His mile-long stride had me half-running to keep up, until finally, in front of the International Food Court, I had to let him go. Luckily I have my iPhone pix to remember our brief time together.
summer fling
Nothing worse than a blog neglected. It's not you... you've been great. In fact, I was kind of hoping we could pick up where we'd left off. What do you think? You and me, rolling around the city with sweaters buttoned up over our summer outfits. Counting down our first-Thursday evenings one dixie-cup of wine at a time. No commitment, just hanging out. Think it over. Could be fun.
Hang Art Gallery, first Thursday opening.